Subject: Request for Proposal (RFP) – Feasibility Study for renovation of Lebanon County Career and Technology Center

The Lebanon County Career and Technology Center is seeking a qualified consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive professional feasibility study for the renovation of our existing 166,000 square foot facility and the possibility of an addition to our career and technical school. This renovation aims to improve learning environments, upgrade infrastructure, and create modern functional spaces conducive to career focused education. This initiative will enhance and expand our current program offerings, emphasizing high skill, high priority and in demand programs. The feasibility study should include a review of the current 22 program offerings and assess their alignment with career pathways. The study should explore the integration of new programs that align with emerging industry demands.

The Lebanon County CTC (Career and Technology Center) resides on 49.5 acres and the building is 166,261 square feet. The school currently serves 700 secondary students, from six participating Lebanon school districts, in 22 Career and Technical programs.

This renovation project intends to:

  1. Address regional high demand career pathways and workforce needs of Lebanon County and surrounding areas.
  2. Evaluate the ability and suitability of existing facilities, resources, current programs, and infrastructure to support students, staff, and stakeholders.
  3. Expand Welding, Automotive Technology and Cosmetology programs from one teacher to a two-teacher program due to increased student enrollment.
  4. Assess the needs and interests of students, parents, and the local workforce, matching interests to county forecasted employment through 2030.
  5. Identify and evaluate potential partnerships with local businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations.
  6. Evaluate the financial viability and sustainability of proposed new Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, improve existing facilities including classrooms, laboratories, workshops, and communal areas for staff development and student learning, to support hands-on learning and accommodate future growth.

The scope of work includes:

  1. Conduct a thorough review of existing facility, classrooms, labs, technology, infrastructure, and overall condition.
  2. Explore the feasibility of a new addition on the 49.5-acre property.
  3. Provide detailed recommendations for renovations and new
  4. Evaluate the current 22 program offerings, identifying areas for improvement and expansion and their alignment to high wage, high skills, and high priority career paths.
  5. Develop strategies to relocate programs to align with career pathways, creating a cohesive and efficient learning environment.
  6. Provide recommendations for new programs that address new high wage and in demand programs.
  7. Emphasize state of the art equipment and technology for each
  8. Include a construction arena for the construction
  9. Design indoor spaces tailored for focused learning and outdoor spaces conductive to career and technical learning, promoting a dynamic and interactive educational environment.
  10. Provide recommendations for upgrades or replacements as
  11. Enhance accessibility and ADA
  12. Install modern technology and equipment conducive to career and technical
  13. Provide common areas for teacher and student collaboration and
  14. Improve energy efficiency and sustainability where
  15. Renovate/ Add Administrative Offices, Business Office, School Counselors, and a Community Board Room.
  16. Provide a detailed breakdown of the proposed budget including compliance documentation, estimated costs, materials, labor, permits, architectural, engineering and project management, and any additional expenses.
  17. Provide a percent cost analysis per school district in Lebanon County.

Selection Criteria:

  • Demonstrated experience in renovating educational facilities, including career and technical schools.
  • Knowledge of career and technical education trends and best practices.
  • Expertise in design, architecture, engineering, and project management.
  • Ability to deliver high quality work within budget and specified timelines.
  • References from similar school projects.

Proposal Submission for Feasibility Study:

Interested parties are requested to submit a detailed proposal that includes the following:

  • Provide an overview of your company highlighting relevant experience in conducting studies for educational facilities.
  • Outline your proposed comprehensive report, including key steps, timelines, and milestones.
  • Present the qualifications and experience of the team members who will be involved in this study.

Proposal Submission Deadline:

Proposals will be evaluated by the Joint Operating Committee based on experience, qualifications, proposed approach, cost effectiveness, and references. Plan on presenting the feasibility proposal to the Joint Operating Committee. The Lebanon County Career and Technology Center reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to Ms. Andra Groller at, by March 15, 2024. Clearly label the subject line as Proposal for Lebanon County Career and Technology Center. We are open to scheduling a meeting to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding this proposal.

We look forward to receiving your proposal and potentially working together to transform the Lebanon County Career and Technical Center into a cutting-edge educational facility.



Andra T Groller Administrative Director

RFP Updated