Automotive Technology

Automotive Technology students diagnose, service, and repair late model vehicles following the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) and Automotive Youth Educational System (AYES) national technician standards. Motivated students may obtain the PA Auto Safety Inspection Certification, PA Emission Inspection Certification and qualify to take the ASE tests after successfully completed the program. Students who are selected into the AYES program are guaranteed employment with a local auto dealership and may opt to complete two additional years of college. Utilizing state-of-the-art repair equipment students learn brake systems, suspension and steering, engine performance, automotive electronics, and HVAC.

Program Specifics

Two Year Half-Day Program
Year One: 8:05 A.M.-10:40 A.M. (36 weeks // 3 credits)
Year Two: 11:35 A.M.-2:10 P.M. (36 weeks // 3 credits)

CIP Code

Mr. Angelo Cuva

Program Costs
Students are required to purchase the following at an estimated cost of $150:

  • Uniforms
  • Work Shoes
  • Safety Glasses
  • Students also have the option of taking the PA Emissions Inspector Certification exam (approximately $75) and the state inspection exam (approximately $5)

Virtual Tour

Student Certifications


National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) provides industry-based credentials and partner industry certifications for students enrolled in career and technical education programs.

AYES Certificate

AYES Certification provides students with a solid education with the skills needed to build a great career for anyone with an interest in high-tech and fast-paced work in the automotive service industry.


S/P2 helps protect students, instructors, schools, shop owners, shops, and employees nationwide meeting annual OSHA and EPA requirements for safety and pollution prevention training.

Certified Emissions Inspector

Pennsylvania’s emissions inspection program was customized to meet specific regional air-quality issues and improvement goals while focusing on customer convenience.

Certified Safety Inspector, Cat I

Upon gaining a thorough understanding of auto mechanics, including brakes and alignment, individuals can become certified to work on category 1 vehicles which include passenger cars/trucks and trailers.

Certified Safety Inspector, Cat II

Upon gaining an understanding of auto mechanics, including brakes and alignment, as well as obtaining a valid motorcycle license, individuals can become certified to work on category 2 vehicles – Motorcycles.

College Articulation and Credits


SOAR programs of study prepare today’s student for tomorrow’s high demand and high wage careers.

Learn More

Career Opportunities

Technical career opportunities range from maintenance mechanic to automotive technician and may begin in high school with a Co-Op or an AYES internship providing job experience and a salary.


  • Automotive Parts
  • Alignment Technician
  • Service Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Service Writer
  • Air Conditioning Technician
  • Inspection Technician
  • Drivability Technician
  • Automotive Service Technician
  • Automotive Mechanic


  • Ebersole Inc.
  • Frederick Supermarket of Cars
  • Klick-Lewis, Inc.
  • Ladd-Hanford, Inc.
  • Maguire Ford of Hershey

Salary Ranges

Adam Sites, PA Intern of the Year Testimonial

“Coming to the CTC prepared me for the jobs that will be available to me in the future. I even found a job through Co-Op and the A-YES program before graduation.”

Adam Sites
PA Intern of the Year

Lynn Yoder, Ladd Hanford Motors Testimonial

“I like the program a lot. The CTC offers a great opportunity to find qualified employees that can grow within a company.”

Lynn Yoder
Service and Parts Director
Ladd Hanford Motors